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Four million electric cars have now entered W-European roads since 2012 – Last million took 9-months

Writer: Matthias SchmidtMatthias Schmidt

Key points:

  • Since 2012 Western Europe has witnessed four million new pure electric BEV passenger cars enter the 18 market region which includes the original EU member states prior to the 2004 expansion, plus Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and the UK

  • While it took 8-years to achieve the first million, since the EU fleet average CO2 emission regulations were altered in 2020, the market's pace accelerated at record tempo.

  • The second million took just 16 months, while the third and fourth million required an equal 9-months each, suggesting the acceleration in pace has slowed. The semiconductor situation can be partially blamed, yet with CO2 fleet average regulations not altering until 2025, by -15% over the current 95g/km (NEDC/NEDZ) fleet average target OEMs may well be gently braking supply with some models such as Audi's Q4 model experiencing a supply backlog of 1.5 years, as confirmed during Volkswagen Group's third quarter results call.

  • If PHEVs are added to the equation the total plug-in sum has now surpassed 7 million units.

  • In terms of BEV passenger cars vehicles in circulation which is slightly lower due to the scrappage of older models, exports outside of the 18 market region as well as the scrappage of development cars that are all included in the cumulative 4 million sum, the BEV vehicle Parc currently accounts for under 2 per cent of all passenger car vehicles in the region's fleet.

  • According to the European Electric Car Study, published by Schmidt Automotive Research on a monthly basis, the West European new pure electric car market is forecast to witness 1.45 million new BEVs enter the region's roads this year which would equate to a forecast 14.4% mix of the total market.

  • Despite being the world's second largest electric car region, the number one market, China, will record in excess of 4 million new BEV passenger cars entering its roads this year alone, 3.9 million having entered Chinese roads during the opening 10-months of this year according to China Association of Automobile Manufacturers data.

More in-depth reporting in the full study published each month. The study now also features an in-depth look at the Chinese OEMs as their European expansion slowly begins. Are Chinese OEMs really a threat to the established European OEMs and what does the outlook look like?


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*Western Europe 18 Markets: EU Member States prior to the 2004 enlargement plus EFTA markets Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, plus UK


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